The GRTiQ 10 is a weekly Q&A segment that wraps up every episode of the GRTiQ Podcast, offering listeners a fun and personal look at each guest. Through ten thoughtfully crafted questions, guests reveal their favorite books, music, and life hacks, share impactful advice, and reflect on their vision for the future. Designed to uncover what inspires and motivates them, the GRTiQ 10 provides practical takeaways and fosters a deeper connection between listeners and guests.

The GRTiQ 10: Sean Robb (Ep. 198)

Sean Robb recently joined the GRTiQ 10, sharing his unique insights and influences that have shaped his personal and professional journey.

Sean highlighted Start with Why by Simon Sinek as the book that has had the most impact on his life. It was one of the first books he read after college, and he frequently returns to its principles for inspiration and guidance.

When it comes to TV, Sean recommended Ted Lasso, citing its much-needed optimism. For music, as a proud St. Louis native, his choice was Country Grammar by Nelly, a nod to his roots.

Sean shared a piece of life-changing advice: “It’s more valuable to be direct and concise than verbose and overly detailed.” He emphasized the power of simplicity and clarity, especially when discussing topics you’re passionate about.

A unique life lesson Sean shared is the relationship between effort and the value of information. He pointed out that the harder you work to gather and understand information, the more you value and retain it, a principle often overlooked in today’s search-driven world.

For a life hack, Sean recommended ditching smartwatches to avoid distractions and maintain focus.

Sean believes that success comes from balancing confidence in your perspective with the humility to learn where you might be wrong. It’s this duality that fosters growth and resilience.

The thing that most excites me about the future of web3 is… “Treating our digital assets and rights the same as our physical space, unlocking incredible potential.”
If you’re on X (Twitter), you should be following… “@SeanPRobb.”
I’m happiest when… “I’m solving puzzles and problems that directly impact the people and communities around me.”

To learn more about Sean Robb’s journey and his thoughts on web3, check out the full GRTiQ Podcast episode. Listen here.



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