The GRTiQ 10 is a weekly Q&A segment that wraps up every episode of the GRTiQ Podcast, offering listeners a fun and personal look at each guest. Through ten thoughtfully crafted questions, guests reveal their favorite books, music, and life hacks, share impactful advice, and reflect on their vision for the future. Designed to uncover what inspires and motivates them, the GRTiQ 10 provides practical takeaways and fosters a deeper connection between listeners and guests.
Rebecca Liao participated in the GRTiQ 10, providing thoughtful and profound insights into her inspirations, life lessons, and passions.
Rebecca highlighted William Manchester’s Biography of Winston Churchill as a masterpiece that profoundly impacted her. She has heavily annotated and revisited the three-part series, finding inspiration in its depth and storytelling.
For movies, she recommended Schindler’s List, a powerful and must-watch film. As for music, Rebecca couldn’t narrow it down to one album but suggested exploring the entire Beatles catalog, calling it timeless and unmatched.
Rebecca shared an unforgettable piece of advice from her seventh-grade teacher: “People really matter in the end.” While she didn’t fully grasp its significance at the time, it has become a guiding principle in her life and career.
A unique lesson Rebecca has learned is the significant impact leaders have on others, often unknowingly. She emphasized that as one rises in leadership, even small actions or moods can greatly affect others, urging mindfulness and empathy.
Her best life hack came from a ballet teacher: “Smile and move.” A simple yet effective mantra for handling setbacks and moving forward gracefully.
Rebecca believes the key to success is found in small gestures of connection, like genuinely asking, “How are you?” and showing interest in others. For her, true leadership and influence stem from making others feel valued and important.
The thing that most excites me about the future of gaming is… “Indie creator freedom.”
If you’re on X (Twitter), you should be following… “Toly from Solana for his thoughtful and drama-free insights.”
I’m happiest when… “I’m on a call with a game developer who feels truly understood for the first time, creating an opportunity to support their vision and talent.”
To hear more about Rebecca’s journey and her inspiring thoughts on gaming and leadership, listen to the full GRTiQ Podcast episode. Listen here.
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