The GRTiQ 10 is a weekly Q&A segment that wraps up every episode of the GRTiQ Podcast, offering listeners a fun and personal look at each guest. Through ten thoughtfully crafted questions, guests reveal their favorite books, music, and life hacks, share impactful advice, and reflect on their vision for the future. Designed to uncover what inspires and motivates them, the GRTiQ 10 provides practical takeaways and fosters a deeper connection between listeners and guests.

The GRTiQ 10: Max Scruffur (Ep. 184)

In a recent episode of the GRTiQ Podcast, Max Scruffur joined the GRTiQ 10 segment, sharing his perspectives on life, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.

Max cited The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F by Mark Manson as a transformative read from his college years. The book helped him adopt a more stoic mindset and shift away from entitlement, a pivotal realization for his personal development. For a movie recommendation, Max highlighted The Social Network, a film he’s watched multiple times for its optimistic portrayal of entrepreneurship.

When it comes to music, Max chose Mumford & Sons’ Sigh No More album. Its enduring relevance throughout different phases of his life has made it a constant source of inspiration.

The best advice Max received is a daily reminder: “You are exactly what you think you are.” He emphasized the immense power of mindset in shaping one’s reality.

A key life lesson Max shared is the detrimental role of entitlement. He believes that approaching situations with an entitled mindset creates barriers to both success and happiness, a perspective many may overlook.

Max’s favorite life hack is breaking down daunting tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. He described how this approach applies not just to simple chores like doing the dishes but also to entrepreneurship, where starting small—creating a logo or brand—can lead to tackling larger challenges with ease.

For Max, the cornerstone of success is a rational optimism paired with a realistic analytical mindset. By focusing first on the potential of success and then addressing barriers, he maintains a positive yet grounded approach to challenges, particularly when evaluating startups and new ideas.

The thing that most excites me about the future of AI is… “Automated build-outs and time-saving.”
If you’re on X (formerly Twitter), you should be following… “Kobe.”
I’m happiest when… “I’m just enjoying the moment.”

Catch the full episode to learn more about Max’s journey and his innovative perspectives on entrepreneurship and AI. Listen here. 


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