The GRTiQ 10 is a weekly Q&A segment that wraps up every episode of the GRTiQ Podcast, offering listeners a fun and personal look at each guest. Through ten thoughtfully crafted questions, guests reveal their favorite books, music, and life hacks, share impactful advice, and reflect on their vision for the future. Designed to uncover what inspires and motivates them, the GRTiQ 10 provides practical takeaways and fosters a deeper connection between listeners and guests.

The GRTiQ 10: Mark Beylin (Ep. 194)

During a recent GRTiQ Podcast episode, Mark Beylin participated in the GRTiQ 10 segment, offering a window into his inspirations, philosophy, and approach to life.

Mark shared that Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray has had a profound impact on him. The book examines human excellence across history and inspired Mark’s fascination with community building and the potential of high-caliber collaboration. For movies, Mark recommended Cloud Atlas by the Wachowski siblings, praising its poetic storytelling and innovative use of film to convey deep, interconnected narratives.

When asked about music, Mark chose Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone, an album featuring the renowned cellist’s renditions of the Italian composer’s works. Mark said he could happily listen to this album for the rest of his life.

The best advice Mark received came from his father: “The difference between medicine and poison is dosage.” This perspective serves as a reminder of balance in all aspects of life.

Mark noted that understanding blockchain and smart contracts is something he values and believes not enough people fully grasp yet. For his best life hack, he emphasized the power of learning by doing and embracing the discomfort of diving into the deep end to accelerate growth.

Mark views the ability to learn as the defining trait for success, especially in an increasingly meritocratic society influenced by AI. He stressed the importance of maintaining curiosity and developing personalized strategies to learn effectively, likening it to a muscle that must be exercised to thrive.

The thing that most excites me about the future of web3 is… “Restaking.”
If you’re on X (Twitter), you should be following… “Vitalik, because he started tweeting again.”
I’m happiest when… “I am grounded.”

To hear more about Mark Beylin’s journey, insights into blockchain, and perspectives on life, listen to the full GRTiQ Podcast episode. Check it out here. 


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